I have a story in my head and I need to get it out. I was arriving to my first semester of graduate school when I first heard of Eric. He was one of our graduate resident assistants and his fellow RA's were checking us in. While registering and hanging out in the lounge, I heard the RA's say "where's Eric?" numerous times. I thought who is this Eric-he sounds nice. He eventually showed up at the lounge after working a shift at a restaurant. He had a warmth about him and an ease that I had never been around before or since. I thought, he seems nice. From his side the story went as follows: he finished his shift and went to the quad lounge. When he opened the door, he saw me and God said "that is the woman that you are going to marry".
Eric memorized my number and called me. We went for a bike ride in the nearby forest preserve and had such a fun time. He was easy to talk to, loved to be outside and was a great listener. We started hanging out more and more. I would come to his room to study and I did that so much that I bought a cushy pillow to sit on while I studied. He would try to get me to dance with him. I tried but I had never really danced the meringue. I am pretty sure that I blushed a thousand shades of red each time and that he loved every second. We got married 4 months after we met. God made it so clear to us that we were to be together and that was all that really mattered. I mean, if God says go you go-it doesn't matter if it makes sense to you or not. I am so glad that we were obedient. Our wedding came together in only a few weeks and it was really beautiful. God blessed our obedience.
Our marriage had some rough times even though we loved each other a lot. I had an eating disorder and Eric felt helpless. He wanted to help me get better but he couldn't. God worked on me slowly until...I got pregnant. Micah was my reason to stop. I needed an out and Micah was my out. Eric loved me patiently and helped me work on things that I need to. He answered all my questions without judgment and he loved me with a fierce and unwavering love.
We went to a hard church in a little town. Eric preferred hanging out with the "sinners" rather than the "saints". We felt small and frustrated. We were poor and often felt alone. The church mistreated us and we let them. The church got rid of us and then themselves (they merged into another church). I had thyroid surgery and then and appendectomy (not fun). We were not sure if I had cancer-scary. Then we moved in with my parents. Eric worked odd jobs to make ends meet. We scrapped by and then we had to allow my parents to carry us. We almost moved to a church in New Jersey but we missed getting voted in by one vote. It was then that we figured that Eric was meant to go to Afghanistan with his unit. Eric was surprised at this. He felt that he never was going to go but he had no idea that he was right. Eric died one month before he would be going on orders to help his unit get ready for deployment in august.
It is only after the fact that we have seen how our seemingly small and insignificant life was a testimony of our Lord. People recognized Jesus in Eric. We have heard so very many stories now of how he had impacted others for Christ. I am in awe of how little things spoke volumes to others. Wow, I wrote a lot. I have so much more to say. I think that will be for another day.
Your story is such a testament to how Christ and the love of others (and ourselves) can change us. You continue to grow in such grace, maturity, and beauty, and I've loved connecting with you at various points of the process. Thank you for writing and sharing such God-honoring, cherished memories of you and Eric!
Not sure if you've ever heard this one, Sarah, but Vic and I had a similar "this is the one" moment during our courtship. We went to hang out at this little park on the square in our college town. I don't know if we even officially called it a date. We took turns pushing each other on the swing and talked for a long time and when we got back to campus, we told our respective roommates "this is the one I'm going to marry".
Only, instead of taking four months to get hitched like you two lovebirds, it took us like 3 years from that moment. What can I say, Vic was pretty much scared of commitment (:
It is funny how everytime I open my bible I am reminded of Eric, God is working on helping me realize what truely matters in life and what does not. I always come back to the fact that "Eric and Sarah" while living in Polk City never seamed to have much. What I am trying to say is you guys were not rich, you did not have fancy things, yet you were always shinning in the Lord. I understand life for you guys has not always been perfect but you always put others need before yours. Also wanted to let you know that God put you in that little church for a reason. I feel very fortunate to say i believe I am part of that reason. The impact you guys had on my self and families alike was incredible. Praying for you!
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