Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Life

I have this new life. I life that I never anticipated having. Some days I feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the task of daily life as a single mom and other days I don't give it a second thought. I like the days where I don't have to bring up Eric's passing as a way to explain my situation-whatever it happens to be. I feel this strange need to tell people that he died so that they know. I don't know why I do that. I did that after treatment too. It is this compulsion to spill your guts. Some people clam up and I apparently have the opposite problem. Eric never had that problem. He always seemed to know what to say and not say. He had a knack for keeping his mouth shut when it was a sketchy situation. He was wise with his words. I learned a lot from living and loving him. I am not such a shock jock anymore but when everything hits the fan I get a loose tongue about my life. I hope that someone out there identifies with me on this point.


caplight said...

hey, that's just how you like to roll.

Anonymous said...

I hear you. I'm a gut-spiller too.

Christine said...

Dear Sarah,
I found this site through a post on another blog. It has been four years I have been on this journey of young widowhood. I want to encourage you to check out www.foycwidowswidowers.org for Christian support and understand of young widowhood. Praying for you!

Helene Bergren said...

Hey, Sarah,

I think a lot of people are gut spillers. I know you well enough to know that you, too, have probably been on the receiving end of someone else's spillage - milk or otherwise. :) I know I've heard life stories many times from Wal-Mart employees, or other strangers. I figure if it helps them, keep talking. And, YES, I can be a gut spiller, too. Shocking, I know. Great post!!! Keep writing and use your music, too!!!
